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Some of Europe's brightest legal minds look at the tax issues across Europe which could impact multinational businesses.

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Tax Disputes Podcast - Australia

In the third episode of our podcast series on tax disputes, Angela Wood, National Practice Group Leader of Clayton Utz Tax Practice, guides Richard Jeens, Co-Head of Slaughter and May’s Tax Disputes Practice, and me through the Australian tax litigation landscape. 

We journeyed from talking about the Australian Taxation Office's approach to tax compliance for multinationals to a discussion of high-profile cases - with good and bad news for taxpayers along the way. 

How do the ATO's “Justified Trust Reviews” compare to HMRC's risk-based approach? Does a “high assurance” rating guarantee a light touch approach? What factors does the ATO take into account when considering a settlement? Is the range of factors wider than that taken into account by HMRC? How do hot tubs feature in Australian tax disputes? How crucial is the story your evidence can tell? What does the PepsiCo decision mean for the ATO’s expansive definition of “royalties”? 

Listen to the podcast to find out more!

You can find it by searching for “Tax Disputes Slaughter and May” on your preferred podcast app. If you subscribe to Slaughter and May's regular Tax News podcast show, you will be notified when further episodes in the tax disputes series are released. 

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