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Some of Europe's brightest legal minds look at the tax issues across Europe which could impact multinational businesses.

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Tax Disputes Podcast: France

I’m sad to say we have reached the end of our round the world Tax Disputes podcast series but we are going out in style with a trip to Paris for a stimulating conversation between myself, my colleague, tax partner Charles Osborne and Julien Gayral, tax partner at Bredin Prat.

We asked Julien what the biggest tax dispute risk in France is right now, and why dawn raids are common. As France is the only EU country included in our Tax Disputes series, we also could not resist asking him what he thinks is likely to come of the EU Commission’s flagship directive proposal to introduce a single set of EU-wide rules to determine the tax base of large groups of companies (BEFIT). 

Listen to our podcast for Julien’s answers to these questions (and many others!) and learn how, in certain circumstances, a transfer pricing issue can result in criminal sanctions being imposed on taxpayers. Hear Julien’s tips for minimising your transfer pricing risk and the steps that can be taken to resolve transfer pricing issues, including issues identified after acquiring a French group which can be settled by request, with reduced penalties, rather than waiting for a tax audit to pick them up which could then trigger criminal sanctions. 

I hope you have enjoyed our Tax Disputes series. If you missed any of the earlier episodes you can catch them now on your preferred podcast app. Subscribe to our Tax News show to make sure you catch our monthly Tax News podcast and any future series.

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zandrews, taxdisputes, transfer pricing, dawnraid, bredinprat, slaughterandmay